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Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) is collected from cattle slaughtered for human consumption and is therefore a by-product of the meat industry. All major meat producing countries around the world are therefore potential sources of FBS. Currently, the highest volumes are collected in Brazil, the USA and Australia. Movement of animal derived material between countries is heavily controlled in the interests of animal health, with significant variations in the import regulations between different geographies.

Serum from all geographies is used widely in life science research. Biopharmaceutical and vaccine production use material sourced from countries offering a low risk of infectious diseases and a robust infrastructure for animal management. At this time, the geographies of choice for manufacturers are New Zealand, Australia and the USA, with these three geographies accounting for around 45% of the FBS collected worldwide. In order to ensure product integrity, ISIA has teamed with Oritain Global Ltd to develop an industry wide database built upon the trace element analysis of almost 1000 known samples. This allows for the identification of serum from USA, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, New Zealand and Central America.                               

Samples from Central America are sparse in numbers
so far, but indicate closer similarity to Mexico. 
Brazil remains very distinct.

7 Countries can be identified to date. 
Canada and Central America have been removed from this data set for clarity.

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